First Generation InitiativeResources
Christine de Denus P'22
Associate Professor of Chemistry and FGI Director
Below is a summary of some useful resources at HWS, with explanations of their purpose and contact information.
Office of Financial Aid: The Office of Financial Aid handles the distribution of financial aid to all students at HWS. They can assist in applications for financial aid, renewal of financial aid, and answer any questions, such as what types of aid exist and what aid is available at HWS. The office is located in the basement of Demarest Hall.
Hobart Dean’s Office: The Hobart Dean’s Office serves male-identified students as the main source of academic support and encouragement of campus. They advise Hobart students academically and can connect students to other resources on campus. The Hobart Dean’s Office also is the keeper of Hobart traditions, such as Charter Day and the Hobart honor societies. The office is located on the first floor of Smith Hall.
William Smith Dean’s Office: The William Smith Dean’s Office serves female-identified students as the main source of academic support and encouragement of campus. They advise William Smith students academically and can connect students to other resources on campus. The William Smith Dean’s Office is also the keeper of William Smith traditions, such as Moving Up Day and the William Smith honor societies. The office is located on the first floor of Smith Hall.
Housing: The Office of Residential Education handles the living experience at HWS, including housing, meal plans, programming, and student engagement. The office houses students based on their gender identity and has multiple types of housing (traditional residence halls, small and student-initiated theme houses, and apartment-style living). All first-year students live in traditional residence halls. The office is located at 101 St. Clair Street.
Office of the Registrar: The Registrar's Office handles a wide range of academic and administrative services associated with records, course registration, advising, graduation services, academic space management and scheduling for students, faculty, and staff. The Registrar’s Office also maintains the academic calendar and publishes the colleges’ course catalogue every year. The Registrar’s Office is located in the basement of Demarest Hall.
Campus Safety: Campus Safety oversees all matter of campus security at HWS. Campus Safety also handles emergency medical services (EMS) and the distribution of parking passes. Campus Safety is located off Pulteney Street in the Campus Services building in the northeast corner of the Medbery parking lot.
Human Resources: The Office of Human Resources provides information and services related to employment, compensation, benefits, health & safety, and training. Human Resources handles student employment and regularly posts on-campus job openings on their website, under the student employment tab. Human Resources is located on the 1st floor of Gulick Hall.
Hubbs Health Center: The Hubbs Health Center handles health and wellness at HWS. Hubbs provides services to treat illness and injury, monitor women’s and men’s health care, and monitor certain medications. Hubbs Health Center also has an opt-in Student Health Insurance Plan for full-time domestic students. Hubbs Health Center is located at 119 St. Clair Street.
Counseling Center: The Counseling Center provides free, confidential services for HWS students, including individual and group counseling; emergency psychological services; and outreach and educational programming. You can make an appointment to see a counselor on their website. The Counseling Center is located at 91 St. Clair Street.
Salisbury Center for Career, Professional and Experiential Education: The Salisbury Center, often referred to simply as Career Services, handles internship and research opportunities for HWS students. Students can apply for funding to support them during these opportunities. Career Services offers additional support, such as in the forms of resume reviews and free printing for business cards. Career Services also maintains the “Career Closet,” which provides donated professional clothing that HWS students can take for free. The Salisbury Center is located on the 1st floor of Trinity Hall.
The Center for Global Education: The Center for Global Education handles study abroad opportunities for HWS students. Global Education helps to coordinate semester abroad tips, as well as shorter winter and summer break trips. Global Education can also help students find and apply for financial support for their study abroad trips. 60% of Hobart and William Smith students participate in off-campus study before they graduate. The Center for Global Education is located on the 3rd floor of Trinity Hall.
FGI Success Book: The FGI Success Book is intended as a comprehensive resource to answer many of your questions. The FGI Team has conveniently compiled extensive information into one, easy to access place. This book includes detailed information about the First Generation Initiative, the history of HWS, on-campus resources, things to do in and around Geneva, and additional need to know basics about the HWS experience.