Pulteney Street Survey
Faculty Ranked #9 in Nation

For the fourth year in a row, HWS faculty again number among the nation’s best professors in the 2021 edition of The Princeton Review’s Best 386 Colleges. Ranking ninth in the nation for “Professors Get High Marks,” the Colleges are also ninth in the nation for study abroad and 15th for “impact.”
Best Colleges, which relies on survey responses from current students, cites small class sizes that “make it really easy for professors to know who you are” as well as faculty members who “work hard to facilitate meaningful discussions and provide thoughtprovoking and challenging questions,” as students reported. HWS faculty are “engaging, dynamic and truly interested in fostering the next generation.” As one student put it, “My professors believe in me, support me and share their passion in pursuit of me finding my own.”
The HWS study abroad program is ninth on the “Most Popular Study Abroad” list, marking five years in a row that the Colleges have had a top-10 ranked study abroad program. The “impact” rating is based on student assessments of community service opportunities, student government, sustainability efforts and on-campus student engagement.