Pulteney Street Survey
Herold ’10 Makes Fashion Functional

Alexandra Connell Herold ’10 launched the adaptive fashion marketplace Patti + Ricky with a simple idea: “What if I sell empowerment?”
The online shop showcases products created by medical professionals and more than 90 designers, most of whom have loved ones with disabilities or have disabilities themselves. Products include braille jewelry, arm slings, rain capes and insulin pump belts, all designed to make the wearer feel fashionably cool.
A psychology major with minors in education, child advocacy and peer education in human relations, Herold notes that Patti + Ricky proves that medical equipment can be beautiful and that functional fashion is possible.
“I hope that people who have been doubted — whether they have a disability or not — can create and go into their passion and help people,” she says.
To learn more, visit pattiandricky.com.