HWS Social Media Directory
Hobart and William Smith have an expansive social media community. In addition to following @hwscolleges on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, Tik Tok, Youtube and X, you can take a deep dive into life at HWS by following community-managed accounts, including academic departments, offices, sports teams and student clubs.
Community-Managed Instagram Accounts
President of Hobart and William Smith: @markdgearan
Centers for Experiential Education
Abbe Center for Jewish Life, HWS Hillel: @hws.hillel
Adams Intercultural Center: @hws_ic
Centennial Center: @hws.centennialcenter
Center for Global Education: @hwsabroad
Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning: @hwsccesl
Center for Teaching and Learning: @ctl_hws
Finger Lakes Institute: @fliathws
LGBTQ+ Resource Center: @hwslgbtqrc
Salisbury Center for Career, Professional and Experiential Education: @hwscareerservices
Spiritual Life: @hwsspiritual
Art and Architecture: @hwsartandarchitecture
Dance: @dancehws
Economics: @hwseconomics
Greek and Roman Studies: @hwsclassics
History: @hwshistory
Media & Society: @hwsmdsc
Music: @hobartandwilliamsmithmusic
STEM Scholars: @hws.stem.scholars
Teacher Education Program: @hws_tep
Theatre: @hwstheatre
Writing Colleagues: @hwswritingcolleagues
Archives & Special Collections: @hwsarchives
Athletic Communications: @hwsathletics
Campus Life: @hwsstudentengagement
Davis Gallery at Houghton House: @davisgalleryhws
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: @hws_dei
Dining Services: @hwsdining
Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management: @flprism
Higher Education Opportunity Programs: @hwsheop
Office of International Student Success: @hws_oiss
Office of Title IX Programs & Compliance: @hws_ix
Recreation: @hwsrec
Sports Performance: @hws_performance
Sports Medicine: @hws_sports_medicine
Warren Hunting Smith Library: @hwslibrary
WHWS Radio Station: @whws.fm
Student Life
African Student Association: @hws.asa
Asian Student Union (ASU): @asu_hws
Beautiful Minds: @beautifulminds.hws
Campus Activities Board: @hws_cab
Campus Greens: @hwscampusgreens
Caribbean Student Association: @csa_hws
Chi Phi Fraternity: @chiphi.hobart
Coding Club: @hws.tech
Days of Service: @hwsdaysofservice
Debate: @debatehws
Delta Chi: @deltachihws
Equestrian: @hwsequestrian
Emergency Medical Services: @hwsems
Greek Council: @greekcouncilhws
Habitat for Humanity: @hws4habitat
Health Professions: @hws_hpa
Herald, Student Newspaper: @hwsherald
Hobart Student Government: @hobartstudgov
HWS Forever: @hwsforever
HWS Votes: @hwsvotes
International Student Association: @hws_isa
Kappa Sigma: @kappasigmahobart
Latin American Student Organization (LASO): @hwslaso
Model African Union: @hwsmau
Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Program: @hwsorap
Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN): @hwsplen
Provenzano Student Art Gallery: @provenzanogallery
Robotics: @hws_robotics_club
Sankofa, Black Student Union: @sankofagram
Thel, Literary Magazine: @thel_journal
The Martini, Magazine: @martini.the
Theta Phi Alpha: @hwsthetaphialpha
Three Miles Lost Acapella: @threemileslost
Upsilon Phi Alphas: @upsilonpialphas
UNICEF: @unicef_hws
Wim Hof Club: @hws.wim.hof
Women in Geoscience: @hws_wigs
City of Geneva: @cityofgenevany
Geneva 2030: @geneva2030ny
Historic Geneva: @historicgeneva
Smith Opera House: @smithoperahouse
Hobart and William Smith Alpine Skiing: @hwsalpineskiing
Hobart and William Smith Sailing: @hwssailing
Hobart Baseball: @hobartbaseball
Hobart Basketball: @hobarthoops
Hobart Football: @hobartfootball
Hobart Ice Hockey: @hobarthockey
Hobart Lacrosse: @hobartlacrosse
Hobart Rowing: @hobartrowing
Hobart Soccer: @hobartsoccerofficial
Hobart Squash: @hobartcollegesquash
Hobart Swimming & Diving: @hobartswimdive
Hobart Tennis: @hobarttennis
Hobart Volleyball: @hobartvball
William Smith Basketball: @heronhoops
William Smith Bowling: @williamsmithbowling
William Smith Cross Country: @heron_xc
William Smith Field Hockey: @heron_fh
William Smith Golf: @herongolf
William Smith Ice Hockey: @heronhockey
William Smith Lacrosse: @heronlax
William Smith Rowing: @heron_rowing
William Smith Soccer: @heronsoccer
William Smith Squash: @williamsmithcollegesquash
William Smith Swimming & Diving: @heronsswimdive
William Smith Tennis: @heronstennis
William Smith Volleyball: @heronvolleyball