Fillable Academic Plan (PDF)
Semester by Semester academic planning handout –Students can use this with their dean and advisor to draft plans for regular fall and spring terms as well as intercession plans during winter and summer.
Handout for Academic Policies and Resources (PDF)
Students, staff, faculty, and parents/guardians can refer to this quick reference on academic policies that may be helpful as students are going through Academic Review or as they are planning degree completion. Students who are behind in credits or struggling with academic performance should know that the handout should be used in conjunction with regular advising meetings. Students’ faculty advisor and dean are available to talk with them about which policies and academic options are most appropriate for individual situations.
Voluntary Withdrawal (PDF)
Students who are not passing courses can discuss the Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) option with their dean. The deadline to submit VW requests is the last day of classes during the semester they are enrolled in the specific class. Students can schedule meetings with their dean by contacting the Office of the HWS Deans,, 315-781-3467.
Authorized Withdrawal Form (Fillable PDF)
Authorized Withdrawal Form (Retroactive) (Fillable PDF)