Report anIncident
Office of Title IX Programs and Compliance
Hubbs Health Center
119 St. Clair Street
Geneva, NY 14456
Phone: (315) 781-3922
Fax: (315) 781-4564
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
For assistance after hours and on weekends contact Campus Safety at 315-781-3333.
Report an Incident
You have the right to make a report of sexual misconduct to Hobart and William Smith Colleges' Office of Campus Safety, local law enforcement, and/or New York State Police or choose not to report; to report the incident to Hobart and William Smith's Office of Title IX Programs and Compliance; to be protected by the Colleges from retaliation for reporting an incident, and to receive assistance and resources from the Colleges.
Individuals can make anonymous reports and/or anonymously receive information about options and resources by calling the Title IX Office at 315-781-3922 without providing identifying information. Individuals can also anonymously disclose via the Online Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form.
Title IX Office
Individuals can disclose to the Title IX Office in person at Hubbs Health Center (119 St. Clair Street), by email at or by phone at 315-781-3922. In most situations an individual who discloses to the Title IX Office can choose whether or not to proceed to Path 4: Seeking Action. However, the Title IX Office has an obligation to investigate if it is needed to ensure the safety of others or the community, even if an individual requests no further action. Regardless of action taken, the Title IX Office will provide support as mentioned in Path 1: Seeking Support.
Law Enforcement
Individuals can disclose to law enforcement, including the Geneva Police Department and/or the New York State Police Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit. Law enforcement can be contacted at any time.