
Bozzuto Center for Entrepreneurship
22 Castle Street, Geneva, N.Y. 14456

Directions to the Bozzuto Center

Phone: (315)-781-3419
Instagram: @hws.bozzutocenter

Sunday-Thursday 6:00 p.m. – Midnight
Daytime and Saturday availability based on current semester class schedule.

the invention of a better world

Ever wondered how to start a business or nonprofit — or how to convince others to buy into your big idea? At the Bozzuto Center, you’ll take a hands-on, active and collaborative approach to learning the ropes of startup and social ventures through meaningful partnerships with the businesses and nonprofits of Geneva, N.Y. This is a place where transformative ideas are celebrated, nurtured and brought to life.

Location. Location. Location.

Occupying three floors on Castle Street in downtown Geneva, our entrepreneurial hub is home to classrooms, discussion spaces, workspaces and meeting spaces. The location builds community by drawing students downtown and inviting area entrepreneurs and community members to connect with HWS.  

Student Collaboration Space
The first floor is an open space with configurable tables, a conference room, projection capabilities, a living room area, and a kitchen. It is designed for student group projects, individual study, guest speakers and other group events.

Classroom and Project Space
The second floor holds a 40-seat classroom and accommodates all Entrepreneurial Studies Capstone project work and other entrepreneurial workshops and programs.

Incubator Tenant and Dedicated Workspace

For student startups looking for economical office space and robust mentoring services, the third floor of the Bozzuto Center offers incubator services for approximately 3-4 ventures. It also houses a dedicated workspace for Masters-level programs on campus.



The Bozzuto Center

Meet With Us

Have an idea and not sure what to do with it? Stuck on where to go with your entrepreneurial project? Schedule a one-on-one session (over coffee!) with a Bozzuto Center expert to discuss: 

  • idea generation and brainstorming
  • customer discovery 
  • customer definition 
  • business models 
  • business model canvas 
  • competition
  • legal issues
  • financials 
  • social and non-profit ventures 
  • understanding software 
  • making connections to other entrepreneurs and resources 

Schedule an appointment or just drop in. Get the advice you need to get on track. 

  • Craig Talmage
    Craig Talmage

    Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies

    Coffee Hours:
    Tuesday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Entrepreneurship News

Operating Standards

As a community collaboration space for students, faculty and staff, our trustees, and our community stakeholders and collaborators, the Bozzuto Center for Entrepreneurship pledges to:

  • Be open-minded and nonjudgmental when hearing new ideas
  • Support our fellow entrepreneurs in their endeavors
  • Build a strong startup and entrepreneurial community within the Center, on campus, and within the greater community
  • Provide an inclusive environment of all majors and minors
  • Provide an inclusive environment for all races, religions, sexual orientations, and genders
  • Support anti-racism, commit to equality and diversity in entrepreneurship, and denounce hate in all forms
  • Purchase, whenever the option exists, from local businesses
  • Support fair and ethical labor and environmental practices
  • Support community organizations whenever possible
  • Recycle and compost whenever possible
  • Avoid products with wasteful materials and practices
  • Offer the Center for use by other campus organizations
  • Be advised on usage and programs by a student led board of directors
  • Be staffed by a student led team of employees
  • Respect the city of Geneva and help it thrive