Minors on CampusFAQs
The Office of Human Resources
Gulick Hall, 1st Floor
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
(315) 781-3312
Minors on Campus - FAQ
What is the definition of a minor or child?
A person under the age of eighteen (18) who is not enrolled as a student at the Colleges.
Who is considered program staff?
Colleges’ employees or other individuals, whether paid or unpaid, who come into direct contact with Minors in Colleges-sponsored or on-campus programs, activities or services. These individuals may include, but are not limited to regular and temporary staff and instructional staff (including faculty), students, independent contractors, interns, and volunteers. Authorized Program Staff must complete the required background screening and training described in this Policy.
Who is considered an authorized program administrator?
The Colleges’ employee who has administrative oversight for the Colleges-sponsored program, activity or service involving Minors, and is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this Policy have been met throughout the program, activity, or service’s duration. The Authorized Program Administrator must also complete the required background screening and training described in this Policy.
Which of the Colleges’ program are covered under the Minors On Campus Policy?
Any program, activity, or service offered or sponsored by the Colleges, including the Hobart and/or William Smith Athletic Department, or by non-Colleges groups using Colleges’ Facilities involving contact with Minors. This includes, but is not limited to, youth camps or programs, workshops, sport camps, academic camps, community or social outreach programs, conferences, pre-enrollment visits, and similar activities.
Does the Minors On Campus Policy apply to outside organizations who host youth programs/events on the Colleges campus?
This Policy also applies to any Third Party who utilizes the Colleges’ Facilities. Any existing and future contracts with third party organizations that involve Minors and utilize the Colleges’ Facilities must reference and attach copies of this Policy and the Colleges’ Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Policy. Such third party organizations will be required to certify in writing that they have met all requirements in this Policy including, without limitation, conducting the necessary screening and training of their staff. The Colleges’ employee responsible for entering the facilities use agreement on behalf of the Colleges shall ensure that the third party organization provides the appropriate certification of compliance with this Policy.
Does this Policy apply to faculty who work with minors while conducting research?
This policy applies to administrators, faculty, staff, volunteers, enrolled students, interns, employees of temporary employment agencies, and independent contractors/consultants who work on campus or in connection with any event, program, activity or project sponsored or offered by the Colleges that involve contact with Minors. Further, the requirements of this policy must be met as a condition to obtain the Colleges approval to use the Colleges resources, such as the name, property, and funding for programs involving minors. So if the research takes place on the HWS campus, uses the Colleges name or other resources then this policy applies.
Who Needs a Background Check?
Authorized Program Staff: Colleges’ employees or other individuals, whether paid or unpaid, who come into direct contact with Minors in Colleges-sponsored or on-campus programs, activities or services. These individuals may include, but are not limited to regular and temporary staff and instructional staff (including faculty), students, independent contractors, interns, and volunteers. Authorized Program Staff must completed the required background screening and training described in this Policy.
Authorized Program Administrator: The Colleges’ employee who has administrative oversight for the Colleges’ sponsored program, activity or service involving Minors, and is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this Policy have been met throughout the program, activity, or service’s duration. The Authorized Program Administrator must also complete the required background screening and training described in this Policy.
Who Needs Training?
Everyone - Authorized Program Staff and Administrators shall complete annual mandatory training on the conduct requirements of this Policy, on identifying and protecting participants from abusive emotional and physical treatment, and on appropriate or required reporting of incidents of improper conduct to the proper authorities prior to the start date of participation in any such employment, position, role, program or activity.
How Often Is Training Required?
Who Is Going To Pay For This?
The Colleges will cover the cost of the required training, however, the hiring department or program will be responsible for the cost of the background screening.