Frequently AskedQuestions
What is the HWS PeopleSoft Website?
Demarest Hall, Lower Level
Phone: (315) 781-3651
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fax: (315) 781-3920
The HWS PeopleSoft Website is the home page for the new Faculty and Student system, a central location for various types of information, including your class schedules, student and enrollment information, advising status, grades, unofficial transcripts and much more. HWS will be using the system to manage faculty and student schedules as well as the enrollment process, student financials, and more.
How do I access the HWS PeopleSoft Website?
The HWS PeopleSoft Website link is available on the Registrar's home page. From this link, you will use your current network login ID and password to access the system.
What access will students have?
- Course registration
- View class schedules for the selected term
- Search for classes or browse catalog
- View any holds on your record (i.e., adviser Hold)
- Complete enrollment process with ability to add, drop, edit or swap classes
- View unofficial transcripts
- Check your final grades for the semester
- Advisement report to check progress towards graduation
How do I get a hold removed?
Advisers will remove adviser holds in PeopleSoft after completion of advising session for all on-campus students. Students participating in HWS domestic or abroad programs will still need to be advised by their adviser; however the hold will not be applied.
Can students register for classes with an adviser hold active?
No. All on-campus students must have the adviser hold removed before enrolling in classes for the term. Students participating in HWS domestic or abroad programs will still need to be advised by their adviser for registration, but the adviser hold will not be applied. See below: Can a student have more than one adviser?
Can a student have more than one adviser?
Yes. A student can have multiple advisers. Students who are double majors have one primary adviser and one secondary adviser. Only the primary faculty adviser (adviser for the major) can remove the adviser hold at the completion of an advising session.
Will students access grades from the HWS PeopleSoft Website?
Students will be able to access final grades from the HWS PeopleSoft Website at the end of the semester.
Where do I get help?
Tutorials have been created to help you become familiar with the functionality. The tutorials are online simulations that mimic the actual application. Online tutorials are available on the Registrar's home page.
The topics available are:
- Navigating Student Center
- Viewing My Grades
- Viewing My Weekly Schedule
- Viewing My Unofficial Transcript
- Performing Class Search
- Browsing Course Catalog
- Enrollment Process Overview
- Enrollment: Add Classes
- Enrollment: Drop Classes
- Enrollment: Edit Classes
- Enrollment: Swap Classes
- Enrollment Verification
How can I check my final grades?
Students can check their final grades and view their academic transcripts by going to
Grades are processed and thus viewable as they are received from the instructors according to an established deadline.
How can I get my Advanced Placement exam scores sent to the Colleges?
You can call the Advanced Placement Program Office at: 609-771-7300, or toll-free at: 888-225-5427, or write to:
A P Exams
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
for a report of your exam scores. They will be mailed directly to the Registrar's Office.
How can I get my courses taken at another college/university transferred to HWS?
Write to the college/university and request an official copy of your academic transcript to be sent to:
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Registrar's Office
Attention: Administrative Assistant
Geneva, New York 14456
How can I repeat a course (for better grade)?
Only courses in which you have earned a grade below C- can be repeated. In computing your grade point average, the highest grade will be used. Both grades are recorded on your transcript. Repeated courses count only once toward the 32 required credits for graduation. You must fill out a Request For Repeat Of Course form, found in the Registrar's Office.
How do I change my address or telephone number?
Contact the Registrar's Office (in person) and make the request on the designated form.
How do I obtain a copy of my transcript?
Official transcripts may be ordered through the National Student Clearinghouse.
The link to order an electronic transcript or paper can be found here. If you need more information you can also visit the help section. A credit card is required.
Can I have my transcript faxed?
No. For security reasons, it is our policy not to fax student transcripts. However, you may fax your request for a transcript to:
(315) 781-3920
Attention: Registrar's Office
How can faculty or staff reserve a room for a meeting or event?
Reservations can be made with the online classroom reservation system on the Registrar's webpage or by contacting the Conference & Events Staff at, (315) 781-3103 or e-mail at Include:
- name of requestor
- name of event
- date and time needed, and
- number of people attending event.
Conference & Events will take care of notifying the Security Office so the doors will be opened ahead of your event.
How does a HWS faculty member request a classroom change?
The online classroom reservation system is available on the Registrar's webpage or email
What can you tell me about the privacy of student records?
Hobart and William Smith Colleges comply with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
The act enforced by the U.S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, permits students to inspect their educational records, provides the opportunity to review and challenge the contents of their educational records, limits disclosure on non-directory information (such as grades and class schedules) to persons outside the colleges without the written consent of the student.
Prior consent is not required for disclosure of educational records to college officials who have been determined to have a legitimate educational interest.
Students have the right to limit disclosure of directory information. Such requests must be filed annually.
The complete Hobart and William Smith Colleges policy on access to and release of student information is available in the Office of the Registrar (a copy is also included in this handbook each semester.)
What course(s) count towards goals?
Contact your primary academic adviser. Students entering Fall 2016 or later can view the list of acceptable courses under Aspirational Goals Course Lists.
What degree requirements do I have left to graduate?
Seniors who have filed a major/minor audit form will receive a degree audit from the Registrar before the fall semester of their senior year. All major/minor audit forms must be submitted before the end of spring term of the junior year so that an accurate review may be done. View your online Advisement Report in PeopleSoft and review it with your adviser.
For students entering HWS prior to Fall 2016, a Baccalaureate Plan must also be submitted in the spring of the senior year.
What do I do if I need more time to finish work for an incomplete grade?
If the instructor who issued the incomplete is willing to give you more time, the Registrar's Office has a "Petition for Extension" form to fill out, have the instructor sign it, and send it to the Dean's Office for approval.
What do I do if I want to withdraw from a course?
There are two kinds of course withdrawals.
Before the end of the 11th week of a semester, a student may petition his or her dean for withdrawal from one course during his or her first two years, and another course during his or her second two years. The appropriate Voluntary Course Withdrawal Form must be filed (including all required signatures) by the student at the dean's office by noon on Friday of the 11th week of the semester. Approved voluntary withdrawals are communicated immediately to the student's adviser and instructor.
An authorized course withdrawal is available to students only under exceptional circumstances beyond their control. Withdrawal from any course after the first five days of class and prior to the due date for the semester's grades is granted only for serious and compelling reasons. A student seeking to withdraw under such circumstances must petition the Committee on Standards. The Committee makes its recommendation to the dean in consultation with the student's dean and others as appropriate. Medical or other appropriate documentation is normally required. Approved withdrawals are communicated immediately to the student, the student's adviser and the instructor of the course.
What is the Registrar's Office?
The purpose of the registrar's office is to support the academic mission of the Colleges.
This is achieved in accordance with institutional academic policies and procedures in conjunction with rules and regulations as established by external regulatory and accrediting agencies. We are a service organization offering a wide range of services to our students and faculty. The registrar's office is responsible for providing academic and administrative services associated with registration, records and scheduling to students, faculty and advisers.
Such services include:
- ensuring the integrity of academic records
- maintaining academic records
- grade reporting
- course registration
- academic transcripts
- degree audit
- coordinate degree certification
- enrollment
- degree verifications
- classroom and exam scheduling
The Registrar also publishes the Schedule of Courses each semester.
The registrar's office is an office of the faculty. We act as proxy for the faculty in maintaining a complete and accurate academic record of courses offered, teaching assignments, classroom facilities management, and grades awarded for student academic performance and degrees conferred. Such records are maintained using information systems and web services designed to enable students, academic advisers, professional staff, departments and programs to conduct their business in a decentralized electronic environment. The registrar is charged with implementing, administering and monitoring academic policy established by the faculty (and its committees) in conjunction with the provost, the deans and all academic officers.
When is the deadline for incomplete grades?
Outstanding grades for incompletes must be received in the Registrar's Office by the end of the sixth week of spring semester for fall semester incompletes; and the end of the second week of fall semester for the previous spring semester incompletes.
Where do I get major/minor forms?
Forms are available on our website or with your adviser.
Who are the Notary Publics on campus?
Every staff member of the HWS Post Office and Print Services is a New York State notary. If the Post Office is open, there is a notary available. Additionally, the following HWS staff members are notaries:
- Gretchen Emerick-Marr, HWS Deans' Office, Smith Hall
- Christine Finnerty, Business Manager, Athletics, Winn-Seeley Gym, Office 101
- Tabatha Spinner, Human Resources, Gulick