Hobart and William Smith Student Government
Join us every Monday at 8 p.m. for our weekly meeting held in Bartlett Theatre (Coxe Hall).
Hobart and William Smith Student Government (HWSSG) provides the means to participate in and support community activities and organizations as well as strengthen the communication and bonds of the Hobart and William Smith campus.
As the recognized governing body of students at HWS, we work to ensure student voices are heard and student interests are met. We advocate for students by helping to shape college policy and working with college administrators. HWSSG is proud to represent and serve its fellow students.
The executive board of HWSSG is composed of five officers, elected by students each April. Each board member has specific areas of interest:
- President – Sophia Mughal
- Vice President of Strategic Initiatives – Emily Gorczynski
- Vice President of Finance – Abbie Ellison
- Vice President of Communications – Elle Grillo
- Vice President of Compliance – Caroline Kamal
Visit the HWSSG Constitution for more information on the responsibilities for each officer.
HWSSG meets weekly when classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters. 2024-2025 meetings are held in Bartlett Theatre in Coxe Hall every Monday at 8 p.m. Meetings are open to all HWS students. The weekly agenda is sent to all students the day of each meeting and minutes are distributed within two business days after each meeting.
HWSSG provides funding for clubs and organizations using a portion of the Student Activity Fee. Clubs and organizations can request funding at the beginning of each semester through the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC). During the regular semester, clubs and organizations, as well as individuals, can request funding for events or conferences through our excess funding. Contact hwsssg@hws.edu for more information.
Students can request to be heard and placed on the agenda by emailing hwssg@hws.edu at least 5 business days in advance of the meeting.
For more information on clubs & organizations, please visit Engage.