Aesthetics: Lisa Leiningerext. 4553, Delancey House

Africana Studies: Kevin Dunnext. 3436, Stern Hall and James McCorkle, ext. 3491, Demarest

American Studies: Ani Mukherjiext. 4033, Coxe Hall

Anthropology: Chris Annearext. 3447, Stern Hall

Aquatic Sciences: Meghan Brown, ext. 3464, Eaton Hall

Art and Architecture: Liliana Leopardiext. 4639, Houghton House

Asian Studies: Lara C.W. Blanchard, ext. 3893, Houghton House

Bidisciplinary Courses: Nick Metzext. 3819, Lansing Hall

Biochemistry: Christine deDenusext. 3612, Rosenberg and Shannon Straub, ext. 3713, Eaton

Biology: Shannon Straubext. 3713, Eaton Hall

Chemistry: Christine deDenus, ext. 3612, Rosenberg

Child Advocacy: Diana Bakerext. 4571, Merritt Hall 202

Critical Museum Studies: Angelique Szymanek, ext. 3475, Houghton House 

Dance and Movement Studies: Cynthia Williamsext. 3495, Gearan Center for the Performing Arts

Data Analytics: Jonathan Forde, ext. 3814, Lansing Hall and Kendra Freeman, ext. 3173, Stern Hall

Economics: Josh Greenstein, Stern Hall

Educational Studies: Audrey Robersonext. 3044, Merritt Hall 206

English and Creative Writing: Kathryn Cowlesext. 4592, Demarest

Environmental Science: Brad Cosentino, ext. 4602, Eaton Hall

Environmental Studies: Whitney Mauerext. 4662, 451 Pulteney Street

European Studies: Michael Tinkler, ext. 3489, Houghton House

French, Francophone, and Italian Studies: Kanate Dahoudaext. 3799, Smith Hall

Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectional Justice: Michelle Martin-Baron, ext. 3144, Demarest

Geoscience: David Finkelstein, ext. 4443, Lansing Hall

German Area Studies: Eric Klaus, ext. 3635, Smith Hall

Greek and Roman Studies: James Capreedy, ext. 3798, Smith Hall

History: Matt Crowext. 4625, Henry House

Holocaust Studies: Michael Dobkowski, ext. 3369, Demarest

International Relations: Stacey Philbrick Yadavext. 3430, Stern Hall

Latin American Studies: Colby Ristow, ext. 3136, Henry House

Law and Society: Matthew Crow, ext. 4625, Henry House

Management and Entrepreneurship: Thomas Drennen, ext. 3419, Stern Hall and Craig Talmage, ext. 4597, Stern Hall

Mathematics and Computer Science: Joe Rusinkoext. 3607, Lansing Hall

Media and Society: Lisa Pattiext. 4570, Demarest

Music: Charity Lofthouseext. 3407, Gearan Center for the Performing Arts

Music Administration and Entrepreneurship: Thomas Drennen, ext. 3419, Stern Hall

Philosophy: Lisa Leiningerext. 4553, Delancey House

Physics: Ted Allenext. 3623, Eaton Hall

Politics: DeWayne Lucas, ext. 3902, Stern Hall

Psychological Science: Jamie Bodenlosext. 3481, Gulick Hall

Public Health Studies: Jessica Hayes Conroy, ext. 3373, Demarest

Public Policy Studies: Josh Greensteinext. 4642, Stern Hall

Religious Studies: John Krummelext. 3139, Demarest

Russian Area Studies: David Gallowayext. 3304, Smith Hall

Sociology: Kendra Freemanext. 3173, Stern Hall

Spanish and Hispanic Studies: May Farnsworthext. 3785, Smith Hall

Teacher Education Program: Andie Huskieext. 3444, Merritt Hall

Theatre: Chris Woodworth, ext. 4581, 214 Gearan Center for the Performing Arts

Writing and Rhetoric: Ben Ristowext. 3181, Smith Hall

Writing Colleagues Program: Hannah Dickinson, ext. 3352, Smith Hall, Alex Hanson, Smith Hall, and Ben Ristow, ext. 3181, Smith Hall