IRB Committee

Audrey Roberson, IRB Chair, Educational Studies
Stephanie Anglin, Psychological Science
Aracelis Ayala, North Street School
Rob Beutner, Director of the Digital Learning Center
Katy Keliher, Counseling Center
Nicholas Metz, OAFA, IRB Coordinator
Max Piersol, Art and Architecture
Kelsey Ward, Philosophy
Melissa Weaver, Academic and Faculty Affairs

Consistent with federal regulations (CFR 45 part 46), if you plan to conduct a research project involving living human subjects on the Hobart and William Smith campus, or are a Hobart and William Smith faculty, staff, or student member involved in such a project elsewhere, then you will need approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before you proceed. In addition to obtaining approval from the IRB, external (non-HWS) researchers also need to obtain approval from the Vice President for Student Affairs to do research on Hobart and William Smith students, or from the Provost to do research on Hobart and William Smith faculty or staff.

Many research projects pose little or no risk and may be exempt from full IRB review, but must be reported to the IRB and certified as exempt by the Board. All other research will be formally reviewed by the IRB, although the review of course-based student research follows a different procedure from full reviews of individual research. Researchers should consult the materials under Policies and Procedures on the right to determine the appropriate steps for receiving IRB approval.

The application form, along with any consent forms, questionnaires and other relevant documents, should be emailed (hardcopy no longer required) to Melissa Weaver in the Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs. In addition, all submissions must submit a completed COVID-19 In-Person Research Addendum document available in the life of IRB forms. Please consult the schedule below for the deadlines.

Please be sure that all submissions are standardized into the following three pdf documents:

1. The proposal (include actual dates on the form and not just     months)
2. All supporting documents (e.g., consent forms,     questionnaires, solicitation scripts, etc.)
3. Ethics certificates

Any submitted proposals not standardized in this way and that do not contain a signature will be returned to the submitter.

Please note that the IRB’s definition of ‘original research’ might be more broadly construed than in some disciplines and may include data collection for administrative purposes, for example. You can access a glossary of IRB related terms at right. Questions regarding IRB procedures can be directed to the IRB Chair or the IRB Coordinator.

Spring 2025 IRB Meeting Dates

Submission Due
(by 5 p.m.)
Review Date Anticipated Feedback
Thurs., Jan. 23 Fri., Jan. 31 Wed., Feb. 5
Thurs., Feb. 6 Fri., Feb. 14 Wed., Feb. 19
Thurs., Feb. 20 Fri., Feb. 28 Wed., Mar. 5
Thurs., Mar. 6 Fri., Mar. 14 Wed., Mar. 19
Thurs., Mar. 20 Fri., Mar. 28 Wed., Apr. 2
Thurs., Apr. 3 Fri., Apr. 11 Wed., Apr. 16
Thurs., Apr. 17 Fri., Apr. 25 Wed., Apr. 30


Policies and Procedures

Application Forms

All forms, along with relevant documents, should be emailed to Melissa Weaver in the Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs for dissemination to the IRB.

  • COVID-19 In-Person Research Addendum: to be submitted along with all IRB applications (Word)
  • Form A: Application to Conduct Research with Human Subjects (Word)
  • Form A-Continuation: Application for Continued Research with Human Subjects (Word)
  • Form B: Application for Exemption from IRB Review for Research with Human Subjects (Word)
  • Form C: Application to Conduct Course-Based Student Research with Human Subjects (Word)
  • Form C-Continuation: Application for Continued Course-Based Research with Human Subjects
  • Form D: Application for Exemption from IRB Review for Course-Based Research with Human Subjects
  • Institutional Authorization Agreement: Template for Single IRB collaborations with external organizations

Additional Resources