Personal Empowerment Institute
Be Empowered
To enroll in Personal Empowerment, search for RCOL 109 when registering for classes. Peer Empowerment (129) and Community Empowerment (139) are available by instructor permission only.
Associate Vice President for Campus Life and Dean of Student Wellness and Support
Phone: (315) 781-3900
Mission Statement
The Personal Empowerment Institute provides classroom, peer to peer and leadership opportunities to facilitate students applying emotional intelligence skills to all aspects of their college and personal experience. The Personal Empowerment Institute provides programs that decrease participants’ anxiety, stress and depression while increasing environmental mastery and ability to cope with stress – all key factors in developing resiliency and emotional intelligence, skills scholars argue are critical to success in higher education.
How does it work?
Once students complete the Personal Empowerment Reader’s College course, they are able to complete the rest of the requirements (Peer Empowerment and Community Empowerment).
Who is eligible?
All HWS students are eligible to take the Personal Empowerment Reader’s College course. The second and third courses are via invitation only for students who have completed the Personal Empowerment course. At least two sections of Personal Empowerment are offered every semester.
What are the student outcomes?
Students in the Personal Empowerment course participate in two assessments (pre/post course) designed to evaluate the impact of the course. Over the course of a semester, students’ personal well-being (personal growth, self-acceptance and autonomy on the RYFF scales) and environmental interactions (positive relationships, purpose in life and environmental mastery on the RYFF scales) increase. Also, social anxiety, academic distress and generalized anxiety decrease significantly (based on the CCAPS).
How do students apply for Peer Empowerment or Community Empowerment?
For the first step, students should simply register and take the Personal Empowerment course. During week 6 of the course, instructors will share information about Peer Empowerment including the registration steps. During Peer Empowerment, students will be presented the opportunity to take Community Empowerment.