Human ResourcesForms
The Office of Human Resources
Gulick Hall, 1st Floor
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
(315) 781-3312
Benefits Related Forms
Certification of Marriage or Domestic Partnership and Declaration of Dependents (Word)
This form must be completed if employee wishes to cover his or her spouse (domestic partner for medical only) and eligible dependents under the Colleges' benefit programs.
Disability/Workers Compensation Forms
Accident Report
This form is used to report accidents that occur on campus property.
Reasonable Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities
To request an accommodation please complete the accommodation request form and return it to Human Resources.
Management Forms
Position Approval Request (PAR)
This form is to assist supervisors/senior staff members in requests for new positions, fill vacancies, promotions, salary increases, change in status, etc. Completed PAR Forms must be approved by your senior division lead and submitted no later than two days prior to the next meeting date.
Performance Management
Youth Program Questionnaire
This form should be completed by any employee who oversees a youth program or activity sponsored by HWS, whether it takes place on campus or off campus.
Miscellaneous Forms
Faculty and Staff Gift Commitment Form - Payroll Deduction*
*To make your gift on a credit card please visit our secure online giving site at
New Employee Hire Forms
Employment Eligibility
Information on employment eligibility and the I-9 form. The I-9 is required to be completed in the Human Resources Office on the employee's first day of work. Original documentation must also be presented at that time.
Form I-9
This form, known as the I-9, is required to be completed in the Human Resources Office on the employee's first day of work. Original documentation must also be presented at that time.
NYS IT-2104 (PDF)
This form is the US Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate - it is the New York State tax withholding document.
W-4 Form (Federal Tax) (PDF)
This form is the US Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate - it is the federal tax withholding document.
Retirement Forms
To enroll or change your Transamerica deferral, please refer to their website at
Tuition Benefit Forms
Forms for Tuition Assistance Programs
Tuition Exchange and Tuition Grant Procedure Guidelines (PDF)